Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Cock Around the Clock

From: (some guy at a pr company)
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2010 05:15:28 -0700
To: (me)
Subject: Story: What Woman Think Of Being Single At 40 - New Movie The Switch Launches Friday

Hi *****, hope you’re having a good week.

I wanted to share an interesting story angle inspired by Jennifer Aniston's new movie The Switch, coming out August 20th. Dr. Block, Psychologist and Relationship expert for CanDoBetter.com, explains how woman in their 30s start to look at men based solely on their breeding abilities. The movie specifically deals with issues such as the female psyche, sperm donors, and that always ticking biological clock!

Think about it, have you ever wondered what’s going on through the mind of a 40year old unmarried, childless woman? A recent survey from BeautifulPeople.com, an elite dating site for beautiful people only, surveyed 50,000 members and found 96 percent of women desired having beautiful children. Greg Hodge, Managing Director of BeautifulPeople.com said, “Parents want their children born with many fine attributes; like it or not attractiveness is an attribute in today’s society. It may not be politically correct to say so but what mother or father does not want a beautiful baby.”

Dr. Block from CanDoBetter.com, a social networking and dating website which lets the world decide if your relationship is a perfect match, thinks Jennifer Anistons character isn't all that far off from reality. Dr. Block explains how women in their 30s subconsciously begin to hear the “tick tick” of their biological clock. Although some women choose to ignore the Big Ben of biology,  others fixate on it-revealing an interesting glimpse into the female psyche.  Do woman in their 30s, start looking at men based on breeding possibilities? Jennifer Anistons character, and Dr. Block absolutely agree!

Dr. Block says it begins in your 20s, where you choose men because “he’s hot.” Gradually phasing into your 30s, you begin searching for Mr. Right, experiencing numerous heartbreaks along the way. Coming into your 40s, the tick tock is at an all-time high. It has Jennifer Anistons character choosing a donor based strictly on looks…and it’s because she can’t ignore her biological clock.

Some Stats From The Survey:
* 96% of women desiring children want to have a beautiful baby
* 83% of women imagine what their children would look like with prospective partners
* 79% of women if selecting a mate solely for procreation would want that mate to be attractive
* 83% of women receiving donor sperm would want the donor to be attractive

Please let me know if you have any questions or to speak with Dr. Block or Greg Hodge. They are both available to answer your questions.

(actually a different guy at the pr company than the one whose name is in the "from" field)
My response:
Dear (guy at pr company),
Thanks for thinking of us. Unfortunately, due to space issues imposed by our format, we typically don’t run advice stories. Also, I’m afraid that Dr. Block’s expert opinion might terrify our readers who are not in the top tier of potential breeding candidates, thus causing them to either give up seeking out sex, or worse, concentrate their efforts on teenagers, who, free of the pressures of ticking biological functions, might be more amenable to less attractive men.

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