The bouncer at Bowery Electric believes that the Rule of 3 doesn't just apply to celebrity deaths. Here's why:
1.The other night, three people in NYC from Aspen walked into the bar. According to the bartender, there was something very vibe-disturbing about them, in a “We're trying to hide how much we've been drinking” kind of way. One of them got up to leave, and walked right through the glass door. Shattered the whole thing (see above: he's explaining how that door to his left used to be see-through). The bouncer asked if he was okay; he just muttered incoherently and stumbled into the night, apparently unhurt. The other two Aspenites took the “Oh, damn, sorry, we barely even know that guy” line. Because people who travel from Aspen to the same bar on the Bowery generally barely know each other.
2.Not too long ago, the fire escape above the bar collapsed. Not sure if it was the whole thing, or just a section, but either way, fire escapes are heavy.
3.Not too long before not too long ago, an older guy drinking downstairs flew into a rage because the bar's British flag hung slightly higher on the wall than its American one. He stormed upstairs and outside, and started violently chest-bumping the sidewalk ATM. This proved ineffective, so he got in his truck and ran the thing over, then drove away. He turned himself in to the police the next day.
On the bright side, again, the door-crasher was unhurt, and the fire escape, having been replaced, is probably now less likely to crush you than any other fire escape in New York, and hey, at least there was nobody using the ATM.
Rule of 3, meet Caveat of 3.
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